PHRA is governed by a board of directors consisting of 5 members, Two female members and Three male members. Actually, the BOD is the main part that administers the organization’s activities and strategies including the elaborating the objectives, policies, procedures, guidelines, and rules to put into effect the set plans and strategies.
The Executive Director (ED)
This is the second engine of the organization who runs the day-to-day activities, such as administering the programs and strategic plans. He or she manages the human and financial resources of the organization through support from the other team members. The Executive Director reports to the BOD.
The Program Coordinator (PC)
The program coordinator is responsible for coordination of all the projects and program activities of the organization. All the project staff work under the responsibility of the program coordinator. The program coordinator reports to the Executive Director. The program coordinator has a job description (JD) that outlines his or her expecting job performance and satisfactions.
Finance and Administrative Officer (FAO)
The finance and administrative officer should perform all the administration and financial tasks using updated accounting software approved by BOD. The FOA maintains the financial records and reports. The FAO reports all the financial matters to the Executive Director. Also, FAO is responsible for all administrative duties and has JD as well which is detailing the duties and responsibility of this position.