Society has peace and respect human rights
To empower youth groups, women, girls, community members and other CSOs in Puntland
Core values
Respect, Integrity, Commitment, Credibility, Accountability, Impartiality.

Puntland Human Rights Association
Puntland Human Rights Association (PHRA) is an independent, non-governmental, and nonprofit organization based in Somalia. The organization is founded in 2006 by group of Somali educators such as community activists, lawyers and other volunteers to support the worker’s rights, prevention of violence against women, and children. Promoting peace, democracy and human rights freedoms in Somalia.
Firstly, PHRA is devoted to stand against the all forms of discriminating social and cultural stereotypes which expose individuals to a number of risks in the course of their life.
Justices, Protection and Legal Aid
This department of protection and legal aid is the key result area of Puntland Human Rights Association priorities and deals .It's also responsible for implementation of Goal 16 of Sustainable Development that supports peace, ending violence and promotes the rule of law.
Capacity building and training
The department of capacity building program is intended to implement several activities including strengthening the skills and capacity learning of volunteers, university students, community organizations and journalists in Puntland and Somalia.
Advocacy and Networking
PHRA recognizes the importance of advocacy in the work of human defenders. The core of PHRA’s advocacy initiatives is the need to ensure adherence to international human rights standards in relation to HRDs and their work in Puntland
Human Rights, Rule of Law, Peace and Democracy department
We are committed to a diverse, tolerant and democratic society. To achieve this, we teach students about human rights, organize dialogue events and support networks of young people committed to peace and democracy in their country.
Get Involved
You can do something from anywhere you are in the world, be our ambassador, help us unite the community. Join us to do some pretty amazing things by sharing your skills in volunteering at Puntland Human Rights Association We firmly believe in collaboration, our entire organization model is grounded in it. Therefore if you have a skill you believe would be impactful, we want to hear about it. We are currently pooling a set of skilled volunteers who want to help by offering their time and expertise to our cause, by effect saving us time, promoting peace, democracy and human rights freedoms in Somalia.